At the end of each year comes the time for analysis and plans. It become a tradition without expecting great results to achieve them, because they are a consequence of their right feet and the huge amount of work we put in our horse breeding club! So and this year came at Eastbulgarian Horse Association tests and again we left with their heads held proudly! Last year's champion ACODETTA again delight us with a championship, this time with a three year! Our expectations for the heirs of AKHAN Z, AGENTURA and ADRENALIN II were larger, but this year we could not cover the criteria set for bodily dimensions. Peak performance was our CONTEFINO GRANDE, who showed emphatically what we strive for. He made the audience gasp demonstrating flexibility, mechanics, poise and power surge, which other horses did not showed... Next year in testing at Eastbulgarian Horse Association will present us VALENTINA QUEEN and QUIDAM'S RUBIN SOHN, and AGRIANA GOLD will compete in tests of BSH Association.